Service Line: International Student Recruitment, Representation & Marketing.
Service Url: Resources
Target Prospects: Universities, Higher Institutes, Colleges, Housing & Flight Agencies etc.
Have Questions? : Book A Meeting
Satisfied? : Order Service
As universities and other higher institutes continue to position themselves for recovery, blended education has become a norm to drive the next wave of our collective educational system. Yet while many universities and other higher institutes have already undertaken the necessary transformations, there is a need to scale international student flow and admissibility.
Universities that are successful in sourcing and managing recruitment of international students adopt a more dynamic, collaborative, and demand-driven approach. The use of our representative and student recruitment model is no longer a question of “if” but of “how soon” and “to what extent, but equally how universities can leverage our ground influence and resources to scale their student numbers.
In this stressful and surreal times, it is understandable for universities and other higher institutes to fixate on urgent collaborative priorities as crisis recedes. It is important to ramp up new ways of collaboration, as some universities might experience friction, and even dissonance around issues of international student recruitment and foreign representatives.
Our international scale-driven roadmap ensures that our partner universities understand how our ground influence and resources can improve their international student enrollment figures. The benefits of our scale driven ground model are plentiful. Prospects are attracted by the promise of flexible and easy to reach representatives, rapid Q&A deployment, and safe environment to ask both formal and informal questions.
Adopting Mindsets and Shared Ways of Working that Encourage Genuine Collaboration


Njebach Consulting is and has proven to be a great help for our student recruitment funnel. We thank Njebach Consulting for their continuous support.
Duna International College -Budapest