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Service Fee Guide

Home Fees

Our Service Fee Structure


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As a social enterprise, our service fee (SF) for independent consulting or university agent services are meant to cover our operating cost only, making our services affordable with exceptional quality standards.


Our service fees (SFs) are based on two main approaches, to wit:

  • Service fee as independent agent
  • Service fee as university agent or representative

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SF As Independent Agent

These are fees paid by prospective students who independently contracted our services to implement their study and travel abroad plans without recommendation or representation from any university.

There are two main tracks under this approach:

-End-to-end track: We support and implement prospect’s entire study and travel abroad plans from conception to closing.

 Case example: We receive a service request from Penuel who lives in   Mauritius and wants to study MSc in Behavioural and Data Science. Penuel’s request is for Njebach Consulting to support and implement entire process from counseling, choice of study destination, planning, application support, visa assistance, pre-departure and arrival logistics, guidance and survival kits in destination country – new home.

Service fee for this track: The SF for this track largely depends on destination country, programme requirements and visa regulations. As such, it is not reasonably possible to affix a fix fee without a free 10 minutes consultation with Penuel.

-Intervention track: We support and implement particular stage(s)  in prospect’s study and travel abroad plans.

Case example: Considering the case of Penuel above, but this time Penuel only request Njebach Consulting to assist her procure visa or programme application for admission. In this track, Njebach Consulting only intervenes in a particular stage(s) and not the entire process.

Service fee for this track: The SF for this track largely depends on the stage in question which would be made known by Penuel during a 10 minutes consultation.

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SF As University Agent or Representative

These are fees or commission paid to us by contracted universities we represent to assist and support their prospective students with entire programme-specific application process for admission.

Through this approach, prospective students are exempted from all of our service fees. That is, we offer our services free of charge. However, in some cases we might be contracted as agent for universities only to assist and support prospects with programme admission application. In such scenario, it is up to prospect to switch to Independent Agent agreement for visa assistance etc.

Although our services are global based on prospect’s needs, here is the list of destination countries with agent-university relationship.

In a country where agent-relationship does not exist, we can exceptionally negotiate with university on prospects’ behalf for our SFs to be covered by the said university. If not, case will be treated on an Independent Agent contractual basis.

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Email us at: partner@njebach.com