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Home Partnership

Our Partnership Philosophy


Our Partnership model is one that sees no limitations. We belief that it is only through partnership that we can achieve and scale the impact of our work in today’s globalized agenda – alone we can do nothing.


Our network of partners across every continent has made it possible to conduct a 360 view of our clients’ pain points. We work with each partner to deliver genuine added value to our end clients. We have three levels of Partnership:

  • Partnership with Universities (PwU)
  • Partnership with Parents (PwP)
  • Partnership with Agents/cies (PwA)

Bold Partnership For Bold Results

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Partnership with Universities (PwU)

Through PwU, we serve as approved/certified consultants for universities, colleges and other higher institutes on all matters concerning programs and admissions application briefing,  immigration and study abroad orientation. Through our continental network of agents, we organize awareness seminars and help recruit international students.

Become University Partner

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Partnership with Parents (PwP)

We partner with parents and families by helping their adult youths/adolescent children and entry professional with an adaptive roadmap in finding their true career potential. Worthy to note is the fact that what works today might be different tomorrow. But through our adaptive roadmap model, young professionals can seamlessly navigate their way in the face of major socioeconomic and workplace shifts.

Become Parents Partner

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2007 - Approaching to Global Revenue

Partnership with Agents (PwA)

We work with Agents & Agencies (A&A) that share in our unique values and mission to offer limitless possibilities in our study & travel abroad chain of activities. We recognize the value of  mobile A&A to help drive transformative change for good. Our A&A serve as our voices to implement our model in their communities.

Become Agent Partner

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Feel Like Partnering With Us?

Kindly email your proposal to:



For All Partnership Related Inquiries

Email us at: partner@njebach.com